Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Having fun with assigment 2, though a bit rushed..

Whew!! So the 2nd assignment Accessing and Manipulating Video for ESL classroom has finally finished. What i learned from this assignment.... well, honestly i feel that it's a bit too packed and i have no time to produce a high quality work. But what i really enjoyed in this assignment was the audio extracting process. Struck initially by the fear of lacking in confidence to deal with this very highly technical procedures, i was feeling great sense of relief and achievement when all the process went on smoothly, that is from downloading all the needed softwares to doing the real extracting.

Trully, i really advocate that as much as possible, resources and teaching aids should be produced digitally or being technologically-run as it really saves a lot of hassles, time and work. Teacher as a multi-worker at school all the time, should be smart enough to make use of the convenience offered by technology to help them to make work easier, more productive and more efficient. I feel it tedious for a teacher to produce a lot of resources by hand. Thus technology is really a good helper for teachers.

Again, am very happy to explore new softwares which enable me to extract audio out from a video. Happy to learn new stuff. Now, am heading for the third assignment..

Monday, September 1, 2008

I love e-books!

The task of creating the e-book project is fun! I enjoyed doing it. The fun is in doing the hyperlinks for the material. As the insert of hyperlinks makes the power point different and more interesting in creating it. It doesn't go just slide by slide like the normal power point that we have been creating. But the inclusion of hyperlinks allow pupils to 'jump' to certain slide they wish to refer to without following the fixed sequence. The process of creating it certainly requires some thinking and organising, thus it produces challenges and fun at creating it.

This project is meaningful for me, as it gives me a chance to deal with hyperlinks, insert of audio, video and etc. I feel glad to create all these new things for me. I feel that i can create something more interesting using ICT for teaching and learning purposes next time. It requires some effort, but as we get used in doing these kind of thing, we will be familiar and fast in producing 'e-books' in our future teaching.

The recent visit to a school gave me inspiration about being diligent and dedicated as a teacher. I visited a famous school with flying colours in academic and co-curriculum. But i found it a bit surprising when the headmistress reveal to us that out of the whole teaching staffs, there is only 1 teacher who is consistent in incorporating ICT in her teaching and takes the trouble and initiative to produce power point presentation as a medium to teach. I saw her preparing the power point for her teaching in the headmistress room. The headmistress said that there are really few teacher who would make such an effort. I am impressed and encouraged by the action of this teacher of dare to explore and utilize technology for teaching and learning purposes which no other teachers in the school seem doing.

So i am more motivated to put my effort in learning all these stuffs. E-books and stuff. It's more fun and definitely a more efficient and professional way to deliver content and teaching in class, for me. So i think i am going to do this in my future classes in class. And it's a pleasure for me to prepare teaching aids in these way :)